3C Specials-Remote Assignments

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Self portraits "Character" in Google Classroom

Self portraits "Character"

Hello Artists! Welcome back.
We begin our art year with a return to self portrait. Why? because this is one of the most reflective things we can do as an artist with our art, to know ourselves. we will begin with a review of the basics of our drawing, then I will turn it over to you to create a character of yourself, of any style of your choice. What would you like to do? Who would you like to be?
Create your own character or use one you already know from a book or movie character.

I am including a video for this week on why artists do self portraits as well as a slide show with some fun examples!


Tech Week 2 in Google Classroom

Tech Week 2

1. Watch the finger exercise video.
2. Complete 10 Keyboarding Without Tears activities.
3. Watch the Digital Citizenship lesson on Media Balance.
4. Do the Week2 Quiz.