Travis Timperman » Posts


1st Quarter Recap

We had a great 1st quarter. I was very pleased with all my classes, particularly my 7th grade for being so attentive and giving so much effort. Please make sure you are checking google classroom each week to find out what the homework is. We normally have at least 1-2 Savvas assignments each week. Math gets more and more complicated throughout the school year. Students need to come to me if they have questions so they don't fall too far behind. I am always willing to stay after school to help your child with math tutoring. Looking forward to another great quarter.
Mr. Travis Timperman

First Week

Parents and students
I'm looking forward to a great first week. It was awesome meeting so many of you at Open House. During our first week we will be doing some getting to know you activities. One thing I would like your child to reflect on is a couple of their strengths and weaknesses from last year. We will be doing some goal setting activities for the first semester and I would like students to reflect on last year and think of how they can be an even better student this year. We are life long learners and I will be participating in this activity as well. Please feel free to email me if you ever have any questions or concerns about your child. I want everyone to feel comfortable to contact me and am looking forward to working with your child this school year.
Thank you
Mr. Timperman