Lauren Krzywanos » Weekly Homework Update

Weekly Homework Update

Week of 12/9
Students will receive their packets on Wednesday (Spelling, Reading, and Math's Mate); however, due to the semester ending next week, the packets will be due TUESDAY.  As a result, students will be given extra time in class to complete them. 
Students who are not strong in their basic multiplication facts are strongly encouraged to review their facts at home for 5-10 minutes.  
A reminder about missing/late assignments:  
It is 6th grade's policy that if a student turns in their homework after it is due (not referring to excused absences), it is automatically 50% off.  They have ONE week after the due date to turn it in for partial credit.  After that one week grace period has expired, then homework is no longer accepted.  
We are trying to instill good homework habits that will hopefully carry into middle and high school.  Additionally, I am always giving them time in class to get their work completed because I know they have other responsibilities after school.